荷兰艺术家建造 “风力仿生兽”
Scheveningen on the Dutch coast and a summer spectacle, the Strandbeests.
这是荷兰的席凡宁根海岸,还有夏季的奇观 — “风力仿生兽”。
Windblown mechanical artworks.
My name is Theo Jansen, and I try to make new forms of life on the beach where I was born 70 years ago.
Theo Jansen is an engineer and artist, and we joined him as he brought out his latest beasts for his summer experiments.
These animals, they give me sleepless nights, because I'm thinking it is really addiction, you could say.
The puzzle: how to make something move and survive on the beach, powered only by the wind.
What you are looking at is 28 years of trial and error.
Expertise at creating mechanical movement - almost a mechanical brain, which is what has attracted the attention of Nasa.
This animation shows how their meeting with Theo has influenced their thinking for a Venus rover - an environment where pressure and heat is just too much for normal motors.
However, he had doubts that legs could cope with the rocky surfaces, so he showed them this: his caterpillar, inspiration for a more robust design.
然而,这位艺术家怀疑这样的支撑部件不能应对金星上崎岖不平的地表,所以他给美国国家航空航天局展示了这个 “毛毛虫仿生兽”,以给建造更结实的设计提供了灵感。
Nasa is still working on a final design, but whatever they come up with, it will owe something to Theo's strange, beautiful windborne creatures.
美国国家航空航天局仍在改善最终的设计,但不论成品如何,多少都应感谢泰奥创造的奇异而美丽的风力 “生物”。