



【问】(1) Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? 


A. Yes, you may borrow   B. Yes, you could     

C. Yes, help yourself       D. yes, go on (1全国高考,978)

(2) Could I call you by your first name?  Yes, you __________.

A. will    B. could   C. may   D. might (上海高考,983)


【答】根据目前我国中学英语教学上流行的观点,上两题不能用you could。例如《高考英语215(清华大学出版社,p197)就做了这样的解答:

could might...常表示自己谦虚,尊敬别人,因此发问时比can, may更常用。但是,回答别人时便不能用could might,而要用can may


Could I borrow your dictionary?

Yes, of course you_____.(全国高考,9212)

但是,上述流行的观点是与著名语言学家L.G. Alexander 所提供的实例相悖的:

ACould I see you tomorrow, then? 那么,我可以明天去看你吗?

BYes, (I think) you could. (English Grammatical Structure, p92) 是的,(我想)你可以来。

[附注] 上面英语试题的出题者在出上面的试题时并不是没有根据的。The Heinemann English Grammar的编著者曾斩钉截铁地指出:“准许别人做某事时,可以用can may (但不能用could might)“Could I make a suggestion?” “Of course you may.’”

但是,在我们读了英国著名学者L.G. Alexander的上列范例之后,再出与上题相类似的试题,那就未免太墨守成规了。


实际上,时至今日,The Heinemann English Grammar的编著者所坚持的“准许别人做某事时,不能用could might”仍是一条语法禁令,而且著名语言学家L.G. Alexander1975年在English Grammatical Structure p92上确实认为“Could I see you tomorrow, then?”可以用“Yes, (I think) you could.”回答。但是,令《英语常见问题解答大词典》(增订版)的编著者意想不到的是L.G. Alexander 1988年在Longman English Grammar 11.20却否定了这种说法:

Can / Could / May / Might I borrow your umbrella (please)? ...

affirmtive: Of course, you can / may.(Not “could” / “might”)

negative: No, you can’t / may not. (Not “could not” / “may not”)


1. Michael SwanPractical English Usage (International Student’s Edition Eighth impression 2002) p108:

“Could I ask you something, if you’re not too busy?”

“Yes, of course you can.” (Not... of course could.)

2. Michael SwanPractical English Usage (Third Edition) p101:

We do not use could give or refuse permission (it suggests respect, so is more natural in asking for permission than in giving it.)

Could I ask you something? Yes, of course you can. (NOT ... of course you could. )

3. [] 绵贯阳等著《现代英语语法例解手册》(修订版))(申勇译 科学出版社20062月第1)p423

Could I sit here a minute? 

* 回答用yes, you can.等,不可以用Yes, you could.

4. Marianne Celce-Murcia等著The English Book即《英语教学语法》(第二版)(北京大学出版社 20028月第1) 之“情态动词及其短语形式的使用”:


May / Might I leave the room now?

Can / Could I leave the room now?


Yes, you may / * might; No, you may not. / * might not.

Yes, you can / * could ; No, you can’t. / * couldn’t.

5.【日】田中茂范等编《外研社英汉多功能词典》(杨文江等编译 外语教学与研究出版社 20087月第1) p469

当对Could I do?作出肯定回答时,会使用Certainly(you can) / By all means / Go ahead / Why not?等。否定回答时则会使用 I’m afraid you can’t / I’d rather you didn’t等。两种回答都不能使用could


不知以上例证是否能使读者信服对Could I ...?作答时,不能使用could

