


中国建设银行 China Construction Bank

中国工农红军 the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army

我喜欢轻音乐。→ I like light music.

你推我拉。→ You push and I pull.

他有很多朋友。→ He has a lot of friends.

他的儿子常常感冒。→ His son often catches cold.

他们每人有一间卧室。→ They each had a bedroom.

你必须履行你的诺言。→ You must carry out your promise.

我听说你需要一位女秘书。→ I hear you want a woman secretary.


rich and poor 贫富                   food and drink 饮食

land and water 水陆                 north and south 南北

food and clothing 衣食            flesh and blood 血肉

backwards and forwards 来回地


day and night / night and day 日夜(但汉语不说“夜日”)

old and young / young and old 老少(但汉语不说“少老”)

father and mother / mother and father 父母(但汉语不说“母父”)

mind and body / body and mind 身心(但汉语不说“心身”)