名词cattle 的用法


1. cattlecows, bulls, oxen 的总称虽为单数形式但总表示复数意义若用作主语谓语要用复数可受 many 修饰但不能用 much 修饰。如:

On big farms cattle are usually branded. 大农场里的牛通常打有烙印。

Many cattle are suffering from a disease called BSE. 许多牛得了疯牛病。

2. 要表示的头数可借助 head单复数同形)。如:

twelve head of cattle 12 头牛

56 head of cattle 56 头牛

当所表示的数量为十、百、千时,可省略其中的 head of。如:

thirty (head of) cattle 30 头牛

100 (head of) cattle 100 头牛

3. a herd of cattle a head of cattle 不同,前者指一群牛,后者指一头牛