人教版新课标英语课本中,有这样一个句子:A table and some chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic. 我们知道from 是个介词,为什么之后还有一个介词 under,两个介词不是重叠了吗?感觉好像在from之后省略了什么,但总是讲不出来。这是怎么回事?
这是介词from的一个特殊用法,就是说,from之后还可以跟一个介词词组。有的语法书称之为双重介词(double preposition)。
A table and some chairs rose from the floor as if by magic.(rose from the floor 是从地板的上面还是下面,我们无从判断。)
A table and some chairs rose under the floor as if by magic.(rose under the floor 在地板下面升起来,不知所云)
那么,from under the floor 究竟包含什么意义呢?经过分析我们发现,在from和under之间确实省略了一个词somewhere(某个地方)。也就是说,上面的英语句子可以理解为“一张桌子和几把椅子像魔术般地从地板下面的某个地方升了出来。”
The thief came from behind the door and searched the room for something precious. 小偷从门后出来,搜索房间寻找有价值的东西。(我们不能说:The thief came from the door. 也不能说:The thief came behind the door. 省去任何一个介词,句子都讲不通!)
The stranger is difficult to recognize from among the crowd. 那个陌生人很难从人群中辨认出来。
She picked up several bigger eggs from within the box. 她从箱子里面挑选了几个较大的鸡蛋。
A red flag rose up from before the building. 一面红旗从大楼前升了起来。
Sounds came from below our feet as we rose slowly from the ground. 当我们从地面上慢慢升起的时候,从我们脚下传来(嗡嗡的)声音。(新课标课本)