有读者朋友在本站“答疑中心”问shall have done 的用法问题。具体问题如下:
■关于 shall have done 结构,大家对它最熟悉的用法是表示“将来完成时”,此时的 shall 是助动词(shall用作助动词时,其主语通常只限于第一人称)。如:
I shall have finished tomorrow. 明天我就会完成了。
By that time, I shall have retired. 那时候,我将已经退休了。
We shall have finished by Friday. 到星期五我们就会完成了。
I shall have repaired it by the end of the week. 我将于本周末把它修好。
I shall have finished the work by the time you come back. 你回来时,我会已经把工作完成了。
When I have done that, I shall have done all I was supposed to do. 我做完这件事,就做了我全部应做的事了。
He said, “I shall have finished reading the book by the end of this week.” 他说道,“我将于这个周末前读完此书。”
■其实shall除用作助动词外,还可用作情态动词,表示意志或决心、告诫或命令 、答应或许诺、威胁或恫吓、责任或规定等(shall用作情态动词时,其主语可以根据需要使用不同人称)。如:
You and she shall leave tomorrow. 你和她明天必须离开。
Candidates shall remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected. 试卷全部收回后应试人才可离开座位。
I said you could go, and so you shall. 我说了你可以,你就一定可以去。
You shall have a new dress for your birthday. 你过生日会得到一件新连衣裙。
He shall answer for his misdeeds. 他应当为他的错误行为负责。
The penalty shall not exceed two years in prison. 惩罚不应超过两年监禁。
Persons under 18 shall not be employed in night work. 不满18岁的人不得雇佣干夜间工作。
■关于 shall 用作情态动词的用法,大家见得比较多的是shall后接动词原形的用法,其实也可后接完成式。如:
All foreign residents shall have reported to the nearest police station by September 20. 所有外籍居民必须于9月20日起到最近的派出所去一趟。――摘自《张道真英语语法》
■在 Every bill, which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States……这个句子中,两个shall均为情态动词,表示规定(意为“必须”)。句子大意为:每一项法案必须经过众议院和参议院的审议通过,并且在正式成为法律之前,还必须呈送美国总统……
句中之所以在前一处用shall have passed,后一处用shall be presented,是因为两者之间有先后关系,即法案必须先经过众议院和参议院的审议通过,然后再呈送美国总统。