write 与write about的区别



有朋友在本站“答疑中心”询问:write write about的区别。问题见:  




1. write your ideas 意思是:把你的想法(观点,看法)写出来。  

2. write about your ideas 意思是:把你想法(观点,看法)的论据(理由)写出来。  



网友问我:I read about the book before. 请问老师,读书read the book,为何还要加一个about呢?  

这个问题很有意思。在这个句子中,read about the book读书,而是读到关于那本书的介绍。请比较以下两个句子有何异同:    

I’ve read the novel and I think it is very instructive. 我读过那本小说,我认为它很有教育意义。    

I’ve read about the novel, but I wonder whether it is worth reading at all. 我读过那本小说的介绍,但我不知道它是否值得一读。    

readread about为何有如此大的差别呢?原来,在read the novel中,read是及物动词,是一种直接的阅读;而在read about the novel中,read是不及物动词,是一种间接的阅读,可以理解为在它后面省略了something, 即:read something about the novel。总之,read the bookread about the book是直接和间接的关系。又如:    

I know about him, but I don’t know him. 我听说过他,但我不认识他。    

We heard about / of the pop singer, but unfortunately we haven’t heard her sing. 我们听说过这位流行歌手,但很遗憾我们没有亲耳听她演唱过。    

I am not a writer, and I can’t write a novel. But I can write about a novel. 我不是作家,我不会写小说。但我可以写小说评论。