ill 用作表语与用作定语的用法


一、ill 用作表语的用法


He’s been ill since then. 自那以来他一直病着。

She is too ill to move. 她病得很厉害,动弹不得。

I was ill for six months, so I lost my job. 因为我病了半年,所以把工作丢了。

He was very ill for a time, but he managed to pull through. 有一段时间他病得很重,但他最后痊愈了。

即使是表示有病的,现有也有人用 ill 作定语。如:

Mentally ill patients will be under the care of a psychiatrist. 患有精神病的病人将由精神科医生治疗。

如《朗文英语语法》在第6.8.1节指出:“……但请注意He’s an ill man的说法已日益增多



He resigned from his post on the grounds of ill health. 他以身体不好为理由辞职了。

His ill health poses serious problems for the future. 他身体不好,对将来造成严重的隐患。

He didn’t seem to have suffered any ill effects from his fall. 他摔的那一跤好像并没有给他造成什么不良后果。

Malicious fates are bent on working out an ill intent. 恶意的命运诸神决心实现歹毒的用意。

You ought to apologize and show there is no ill feeling between you. 你应当道歉, 表明你们之间并无恶感。

The ill feeling between her and Jenny must have been papered over. 她和詹妮之间的敌意肯定是被掩盖了。

The ghost’s appearance was an ill omen. 鬼的出现是不祥的征兆。

By ill luck, my flight had been cancelled. 我运气真不好,那趟航班被取消了。

The ill fated ship was sent off course into shallow waters and rammed by another vessel. 这艘倒霉的船偏离航道误入浅水区,被另外一艘船撞上了。

三、用于谚语:It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good.

用于谚语:It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good. 这里的ill也是用作定语,意思是:


