there be与情态动词连用(续)
There could be no doubt about it. 对此不会有丝毫疑问。
There won’t be an election in June 6月份将不进行选举。
There must be a mistake. 一定是弄错了。
■there+情态词+have been…
There can’t have been any doubt about it. 对此不会有过任何疑问。
There might have been a strike. 可能有过一场罢工。
There oughtn’t to have been any difficulty about it 此事本不应有什么困难。
There can’t be anyone waiting outside. 不会有人在外面等候。
There never used to be anyone living next door 过去隔壁从未住过人。
There could be something blocking the pipe 管子里可能给什么东西堵上了。
■there+情态词+have been+补足语+现在分词
There might have been someone waiting outside. 可能曾有人在外面等候。
There must have been something blocking the pipe 管子肯定曾被什么东西堵住了。
There could have been someone crossing the road. 可能曾有人横穿马路。