catch 可以和fires搭配吗?



请先看含有 catch fires 的四个句子:  

1. 2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(重庆卷)第29 题:The palace caught fires three times in the last century, and little of the original building                now.    

A. remains                B. is remained        C. is remaining          D. has been remained    

所给答案为 A。    

2. 人民网(13:37, April 08, 2012    

April 18, 2012  One person was confirmed dead after eight trucks caught serial fires at a warehouse yard in the Daowai District of Harbin at 6:20 a.m. Sunday (2220 GMT April 7). The fire has been put out. (Xinhua/Li Yuze)    

3. 北京市西城区2004年抽样测试初三英语试卷阅读理解”C篇:Most fires at home start in the kitchen. Food can catch fires in just a few seconds    

4. English Grammar Test for English Majors 434题:    

 Wooden houses _____________ easily.     

A. catch a fire          B. catch fire      C. catch the fire        D. catch fires     


从以上四个句子可以看出:前三个句子都认为catch fires是正确的搭配,而最后一个句子却认为catch fires是不正确的搭配。 笔者认为catch fire已经成为习惯用语或成语(idiom),有两个意思:  

着火,开始燃烧 to begin to burn(多数词典仅收录这一含义)  

激动,异常兴奋 to become excited。而fires 作为多次火灾解不能与catch 搭配使用。    

首先,下列词典把 catch fire 当作习惯用语(idiom):    

1. Frederick T. Wood 著《英语动词成语词典》(English verbal idioms(席学媛 安强译 北京出版社 19845月第1) P64: catch fire. Ignite (intransitive);start burning. 着火(不及物) ;开始燃烧    

Trains had to be diverted when a timber yard beside the railway line caught fire. 当铁路线旁边一家木柴厂着火的时候,火车不得不改道。    

A wooden building can easily catch fore.木结构建筑物容易着火。    

2. 高凌主编《英语常用动词详解词典》(北京出版社20022月第2)P181  

【习语】catch fire (v.+ n.)    

着火,开始燃烧 to begin to burn    

Cotton catches fire easily.棉花易燃。 Don’t smoke here, or the hay will catch fire.别在这里吸烟,不然干草会着火的。 An oil tanker caught fire and burned for one week. 一艘油轮着火了,燃烧了一星期。     

激动,异常兴奋 to become excited    

The audience caught fire at the speaker’s words and began to cheer.听众听了演说者的演讲非常激动,开始欢呼。    

3. 刘乐亭主编《当代英语动词搭配与用法大词典》(现代出版社 20011月第一版)p130: catch fire着火  The wood was damp and would not catch fire.木柴受潮了,点不起火来。    

4. 张道真编著的《英语常用动词用法词典》(重排本) (外语教学与研究出版社19962月第1)p106: 7. 用于某些成语 catch fire着火    

As the wood was wet, it won’t catch.木头是湿的,点不着。    

Straw catches fire easily. 稻草很容易着火。    

The house caught fire while we were away.我们不在的时候房子着了火。    

5. 曹焰主编《简明英语用法指南》(知识出版社19968月第1)p125: (5)注意下列习语的用法catch fire着火:The house caught fire while we were away.我们不在的时候房子着了火。    

6. 吴瑾瑾《实用英语正误词典》(山东友谊出版社 20028月第1)p270:     

【误】The wooden house caught a fire yesterday evening.         

【正】The wooden house caught fire yesterday evening.    

【说明】catch fire表示着火燃着时,中间不要加冠词。    

7. 曹焰 主编《英语正误用法指南》(商务印书馆200510月第1)p246: W  The house caught on fire.    

R  The house caught fire.    

catch fire是习语,表示点燃着火”[ignite; start to burn],中间无须再加介词。    

The wood caught fire.林子着火了。    

Be careful with that match. That straw caches fire easily. 用火柴时要小心,那些稻草很容易着火。    

We collected sticks to boil our kettle, buy they were damp and would not catch fire.我们捡了一些枝条想烧壶水,可是枝条太湿,点不着火。    

8. 邢志远主编《英汉惯用语大词典》(新世界出版社  1996年第一版)p326catch fire 着火: his house caught fire last night.昨夜他的房子失火了。    

9. 席玉虎主编《英语常用词用法详解大词典》(A-K)(商务印书馆国际有限公司 20076月北京第1)p1321:常用短语 catch fire 着火,燃烧    

Paper is apt to catch fire. 纸容易着火。    

The little girl was severely burned when her dress caught fire. 小女孩的衣服着了火,被严重烧伤了。    

10. 戴炜栋主编《新世纪英汉多功能词典》(上海外语教育出版社 200311月第1)p639: 习语 catch fire 着火;失火;点着;开始燃烧     

Paper catches fire easily.纸张容易着火。    

11. 厦门大学外文系编译《英语成语词典》(试用本)(商务印书馆 197210月初版)p549: 6. catch (take) fire 着火,燃烧 【例】 Dry wood soon catches fire. 干柴着火快。    

12. 《柯林斯COBUILD高阶英汉双解学习词典》(外语教学与研究出版社 20117月第1)P991: PHRASES  10    If an object or substance catches fire, it starts burning. 着火;起火;开始燃烧      

My home catches fire and everything is destroyed… 我家失火了,所有的东西都烧火了。    

The aircraft  caught fire soon after take-off.飞机起飞不久就着火了。11   If a situation or event catches fire, it begins to be exciting and successful. 激动人心;赢得成功    

The play only really catches fire once Aschenbach falls in love.这部剧直到阿申巴赫堕入情网后才真正开始精彩起来。 


1. 张柏然主编《新时代英汉大词典》(商务印书馆 20044月第1) p863: catch fire  vi. 着火, 开始燃烧  Don’t leave anything near the stove that catches fire easily. 不要把易燃物放在靠近炉子的地方。    

2. 葛传


首先,在BUY-BNC BRTISH NATIONAL CORPUS (UK,1980s-1993) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University )  The CORPUS OF CONTEMPORAY AMERICAN ENGLISH (1990-2012) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University)  SEARCH SRAING分别输入 catch firescatches fires,  caught fires, catching fires得到的结果都是G Sorry, there are no matching records.      

其次,在BUY-BNC BRTISH NATIONAL CORPUS (UK,1980s-1993) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University )  SEARCH SRAING分别输入 catch a firecatches a fire,  caught a fire, catching a fire得到的结果都是G Sorry, there are no matching records.      

The CORPUS OF CONTEMPORAY AMERICAN ENGLISH (1990-2012) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University)  SEARCH SRAING分别输入 catch a firecatches a fire,  caught a fire, catching a fire得到的结果几乎都是G Sorry, there are no matching records.  仅有1例:    

1994   And " Coon Can " it was. Remember the first time you heard that black box and that dreadful rag song spewing from it, your skin caught a fire and your already hot head was all set to burst.    

再次,在BUY-BNC BRTISH NATIONAL CORPUS (UK,1980s-1993) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University )  SEARCH SRAING输入verb.ALL+fires共可得到55个动词与fires搭配的例句83例,但无有一例属于catchfires搭配的。    

又在The CORPUS OF CONTEMPORAY AMERICAN ENGLISH (1990-2012) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University)  SEARCH SRAING输入“verb.ALL fires”共可得到 225 个动词与fires搭配的例句882 例,但无有一例属于catchfires搭配的。    

以上说明fire作为可数名词时,不能与catch搭配,也间接证明catch fires在英美国家中也是不存在的。    

最后,在BUY-BNC BRTISH NATIONAL CORPUS (UK,1980s-1993) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University ) SRAING输入 catch fire 得到44例;输入catches fire得到13例;输入 caught fire得到144例; 输入catching fire得到 8例。     

The CORPUS OF CONTEMPORAY AMERICAN ENGLISH (1990-2012) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University)  SEARCH SRAING输入 catch fire 得到264例;输入catches fire得到87例;输入 caught fire得到542例; 输入catching fire得到 67例。     

综上所述,在英美语里catch只能与fire搭配且已被当作习语(idiom)catch不能与fires搭配,前面提及的三个含有catch fires的句子都属于Chinglsh,是不符合英美语言习惯的。    

