

1. 人教版新课标课本中有此一句:All hope was not lost. 如果翻译成“所有的希望都没失去”,感觉意思很别扭。因为当时唐山大地震伤亡几十万人,人们对生存和未来几乎感到绝望。尽管如此,由于有了解放军和全国人民的大力支持和援助,唐山才希望犹存。应该是Not all hope was lost.(并非所有希望都已失去。)才对啊!

2. 下面是两个非常有趣的英语句子,它们一个单词也不多,一个单词也不少,但却表达了几乎相反的两种意思。这两句英语是:

Happily his uncle didn't die. 幸运的是,他叔叔没有死。

His uncle didn't die happily. 他叔叔死得很惨。


第一句相当于It was fortunate that his uncle didn't die. 译为:幸运的是,他叔叔没有死。

第二句His uncle didn't die happily. not不是修饰die,而是修饰happily。所以,句子的实际含义是:His uncle died not happily. 译为:他叔叔死得很惨。

以上语言现象(All hope was not lost. His uncle died not happily.)叫做否定转移。




She is not always happy. 她并不总是快乐的。(not修饰always

You are not completely right. 你并非完全正确。(not 修饰completely

You can’t fool people all the time. 你不可能一直都在欺骗人。(not修饰all the time

以上几个例句一看就知道not否定哪个词,而且句子意思按汉语习惯理解就可以。但是,像All hope was not lost. 就很难一眼看出not否定哪个词,以至于造成理解错误。实际上,not是修饰all的。此句可以变成:Not all hope was lost. 并非所有的希望都已失去。


All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的东西并非都是金子。

All people don’t like popular music. 并不是所有的人都喜欢流行音乐。

Both of the books are not useful to you. 这两本书对你并非都有用。

英语中,当句子的主语含有表示“全部、所有”概念的代词或形容词时(如all, both, every, everything, everybody, everyone等),一旦和否定词not连用,即可构成部分否定。即:不能按字面翻译,应把not转移到这些词的前面来理解。例如:

All of the boys in our class don’t like football. 我们班上并非所有的男生都喜欢足球。

Both sisters are not interested in physics. 姐妹俩并不都对物理感兴趣。

Everybody doesn’t know the answer. 并非人人都知道答案。


Not all of the boys in our class like football.

Not both sisters are interested in physics.

Not everybody knows the answer.


None of the boys in our class like football.

Neither of the sisters is interested in physics.

Nobody knows the answer.




1. I’m sorry, but I don’t think I know you. 对不起,我想我不认识你。

not否定宾语从句中的know,类似用法的动词还有believe, suppose, imagine等)

2. She didn’t take an umbrella because it was raining. 她不是因为下雨才带雨伞的。(因为下雨,所以她没带雨伞。――讲不通)

not否定原因从句,相当于She took an umbrella not because it was raining.

3. Mary does not seem to like you.玛丽看起来不喜欢你。

not 否定不定式like,相当于Mary seems not to like you.

4. They didn’t come by train.他们不是坐火车来的。

not否定介词短语by train,相当于They came not by train.

5. I don’t find the story interesting.我发现故事没有趣。

not否定宾语补足语interesting,相当于I find the story not interesting.

6. ---What did you think of the film last night? ---It couldn’t be better.

“你认为昨晚的电影怎么样?”--- “好极了。”

couldn’t是“不可能”,better是“更好”。“不可能更好”意味着“再好不过了”。当can’t couldn’t 跟比较级连用时,它们并没有否定谓语动词,而是否定了“比较级”,因而更加重了肯定的含义。又如:I can’t agree more. 我再同意不过了。)

7. I can’t thank you enough. 我对你真是感激不尽。

not否定enough,意味着“感激不够”,又如:We couldn’t enjoy your meal enough. 你做的饭我们喜欢不够。) 

8. We can’t praise the novel too highly. 这部小说我们怎么赞扬都不过分。

not否定too highly,意味着“赞扬的程度不过分”。)