

正如汉语说的“没有~不……”一样,英语有时也可使用这样“否定的否定”,即所谓的双重否定。正如 (-1) × (-1) = (+1) 一样,双重否定的结果是肯定的。 如:


There was no one who did not feel sympathy for the victims of the accident.

Everyone felt sympathy for the victims of the accident.


It is not unusual for a family to have more than one car to use in daily life.  

It is usual for a family to have more than one car to use in daily life.  

没有人没东西吃的(from www.yygrammar.com)

Nobody had nothing to eat.

Everyone had something to eat.


The dog never crosses a street without stopping at the curb. 那只狗每次要过街时,都会在人行道边缘停下来。

not unusual (并非不寻常) usual (普通) 在感觉上就不完全相同,多了一点儿犹豫的情绪。


No Japanese breakfast is complete without misosoup, is it? 没有味噌汤的日式早餐就不够完整不是吗?