I had the folly to trust such a man. 我真愚蠢,竟相信这样的人。
= I had the folly of trusting such a man.
笔者认为句中 folly 的用法有两点值得商榷:一是 have是否可以与folly搭配?二是have the folly是否可以接 to do sth或of doing sth作后置定语?
1. have是否可以与folly搭配?
(1) Jonathan Crowther Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English (外语教学与研究出版社 2003年7月第1版) P318:
folly lack of good judgement VERB+FOLLY realize, recognize, see, demonstrate, show, underline
(2) (日) 市川繁治郎主编《英语搭配大辞典》(外语教学与研究出版社2006年10月第1版)P724:
folly <动词+> commit (a) folly | denounce sb’s folly | I realize my folly. | We have seen the folly of such a course.
(3) 王文昌主编《英语搭配大词典》(增订版)(江苏教育出版社2004年11月第2版)P918:
folly V commit a folly counterfeit folly‖denounce sb’s folly‖hint at sb’s folly‖The government persisted in its folly. ‖We have seen the folly of such a course.‖Smith smiled at his own folly.
(4) 郭杰克主编《当代英语搭配大词典》(高等教育出版社 2002年11月第1版)P687:
folly V argue against the folly of the hesitation‖commit a folly‖counterfeit folly‖Her beauty deluded me to folly.‖denounce sb’s folly‖The government persisted in its folly.‖The old man smiled sadly as he remembered the follies of his youth. ‖She seduced him into folly.‖We have seen the folly of such a course.‖Please talk to her about the folly of quitting school.
(5) 朱榕贞主编《最新英语句型搭配词典》(四川人民出版社 2004年6 月第1版)P518:
folly [动+名] commit a folly counterfeit folly
(6) 在BUY-BNC BRTISH NATIONAL CORPUS (UK,1980s-1993) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University ) http://corpus.byu.edu/bnc/ 上搜索“[V