


It is astonishing to me that he should be absent. 他竟未出席令我惊讶。

I saw him out posing in his new sports car. 我看见他开着他的崭新跑车招摇过市。

The story had a satisfying ending. 这故事有一个令人满意的结局。

Today's paper carries an exciting account of the match. 今天的报纸刊载了这场比赛的精彩报道。

The actor playing the father was too wooden. 饰演父亲的演员太呆板。

Seeing the police, he made a run for the exit. 一看到警察他就向出口奔去。

Finding a gap, she thrust through the brambles. 她发现了一处缺口,于是便从带刺的灌木丛中钻了过去。