everyone 之后不可以接of短语吗?









赵振才主编《英语常见问题解答大词典》(增订版) (世界图书西安出版公司20053月第1)p440


His __________ (surprise) recovery delighted everyone of us.

【答】everyone of us的用法是错误的。F. T. Wood指出:“Even for people two words must be used when the sense is ‘every single one’.LDCE则进一步指出Everyone (or everybody) can only be used of people and is never followed by ‘of’。由此看出,从语义上说,当指“每一单个的人”时,必须用every one;从惯用法说,everyone之后绝不可以跟’of’,而必须用every one of的结构。

笔者认为以上说法太绝对了,无论在过去还是现在的在英语中everyone之后跟of短语的例句还是客观存在的,例如在The Random House Dictionary of the English language(Oxford University Press, 1973/1987)R. A. Close 著的A reference grammar for students of English ( Eighth impression 1985  Printed in Hong Kong) 就分别含有everyone之后跟of短语的例句:

Everyone of his family will go. (RHD)

Only everyone, not everybody, will occur in everyone of them (us, you). (Close)


“TIME corpus of American English” (1923-2007) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University ) (http://corpus.byu.edu/time) 就给出了以下例句:

1952-11-07…he said, “the consequences of this misplaced trust come home to everyone of us in the war in Korea.”…

1956-08-14  … Trees are budding and flowers are in bloom; let everyone of us dress up, and compete with the beautiful spring…

1926-02-24... I haven’t any doubt but that everyone of you jurymen is prejudiced.

1948-08-12 We don’t follow that custom any more, but I hope that everyone of you, some time today, will read that document

1929-04-22… “of a dozen or more the Senator” saw, “but everyone of them could no doubt hit the ground with his hat…

1931-10-05.... There were ten reporters on the story and everyone of them helped me.

1976-03-08 The difference between them and me is that everyone of them thinks he knows more than I.




CDR 1589 The back is a delicate instrument, and so finely tuned that nearly everyone of us at some time has experienced some sort of back problem.

J8Y 139 That’s why it’s so important to kno, for everyone of us, to know what our ministries are.

K4E 720 Everyone of us knows that we did what we could to help the people in Bosnia--; that’s what is important in the end.

CE9 743 Unenthusiastically, the men shone their torches around the couplings and flexible connections, but each and everyone of them was aware of the overpowering feeling of evil.

HF3 821 Yes they were all there you know, everyone of them you did.

J2G 534 Even the dust and horse-smell seemed to be still with him and he reminded you of Lamarr Dean and Early and almost everyone of them you ever saw: all made of the same leather and hardly ever smiling unless they were with their own look-alike brothers.

K2D 1987 How can you pick three people from 12, when everyone of them is excellent.

KAL 301 A.D. There are masses of emperor’s tombs around here still unexcavated --; there must be a tutankamen-type find in almost everyone of them

FM1 48 You know they’re they’re not just basic idiots but they really do something erm which can be quite fraught, and er there’s no doubt everyone of you have been in a situation created by another road user.

K66 64 The time, the effort and the loving dedication of those who conceived and carried through this project to completion make us, the Three-Ninetieth, sincerely grateful and humbly thankful to each and everyone of you, our friends.

KAJ 142 May I urge each and everyone of you to show support and consideration to all your colleagues and to the Society, be positive in your thinking and open-minded in your views.

KAJ 447 I must take this opportunity to say a personal thank you to each and everyone of you for your kind support and all the good wishes that I have received during the past six months.

KP2 16 …obviously we’ve got to work together on all, are you listening to me? On all the different parts of the body, you want them all to come alive, okay, so, this week as I say we’re gonna concentrate on sound, sound, sound, sound, you’ve got to play on sound that is the painting, I mean the, the pictures do you, alright that’s fine, at the same doesn’t matter we’ve still got to work on different things, yeah, okay? erm, so, as I say we’re going to make a sound machine in different groups, now to give you an example, what I what you to do is be, I’m going to give you a situation, give, choose a profession, okay, let’s say we are in hospital, now I want you each and everyone of you in this group think of the situation, think of a sound that one might hear in a hospital, everyone to themselves just think of a sound, could be a patient screaming, it could be a heart machine, it could be, er exactly, could be that, could be absolutely anything, it could sirens, it could be anything, okay, for everyone I want you to have the sound in your head okay, everyone’s got a sound in their head?

另外,在British National Corpus (UK, 1980s-1993) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University ) http://corpus.byu.edu/bnc/ 也可以找到上述所列举的出自BNC (英国国家语料库http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk) 上的所有everyone of us/you/them的例句,同时也说明了在1980s-1993期间英国人仍然在everyone之后跟of短语。

通过以上例证,我们可以得出这样一个结论:无论在美国英语中,还是在英国英语中,everyone 之后跟 of 短语都是正确的用法。


【编者按】小编认为,《英语常见问题解答大词典》说“everyone之后绝不可以跟 of,而必须用 every one of 的结构”的表述似乎过于绝对,但是,另一方面,由于许多语法学家对 everyone of us 之类的表达持反对态度,所以小编认为,作为初学者或参加英语考试应尽量避免这类用法,要知道“语言实际”与“语言考试”有时是有距离的。关于这个问题,本站曾发表过目佳先生的一篇挑刺文章,可供参考(参见www.yygrammar.com/Article/200812/980.html)。另外,本站还引用过周贞雄先生《大学英语重点词正误用法手册》一书的“前言”(参见www.yygrammar.com/Article/200811/744.html),对于解决这一问题很有借鉴意义。

