


1. (红似) 着火;燃烧((red as if) in flamesburning ),作表语。例如:

The whole building was soon aflame.整个建筑物不久就燃烧起来了。

Her cheeks were aflame. 她的两颊绯红。

The autumn woods were aflame with colour. 那片秋林红似火.


Somebody set the warehouse aflame. 有人放火烧仓库。


“What’s that?” Gloria asked, her face aflame. Gloria满面红光,问道“那是什么?”

2. 非常激动(very excited),作表语。例如:

He was aflame with indignation[wrath]. 他满腔怒火。


1. be aflame。例如:

The barn was aflame.谷仓着火了。

2. set sth aflame。例如:

Vandals set the building aflame. Vandals 放火烧了大楼。

The eighth floor of the 406-room International Hotel was set aflame, but employees prevented the fire from engulfing the building.

3. aflame with [color, flowering vines, light, autumn colours]例如:

trees aflame with autumn leaves

The cliff was aflame with crimson maple. 悬崖上枫林红似火。

The street is aflame with lamps. 街上灯火辉煌。

The shop windows were aflame with Christmas lights.

4. aflame with [passion, violence, injustice, evil, fear, new stars, pleasure, pain, curiosity, blushes, embarrassment. anger and resentment, a happiness, desire, zeal]。例如:

He was aflame with anger and resentment. 他非常气愤、恼怒。

His face is aflame with blushes. 他的脸涨得通红。

I was aflame with curiosity. 我好奇得要命。

The girl’s face was aflame with embarrassment. 那姑娘窘得涨红了脸。