不可以说feel badly about吗?



周国珍主编《英语正误详解词典》(复旦大学出版社 200010月第一版)p287  

【误】He feels badly about the defeat.  

【正】He feels bad about the defeat.  


【解释】feel 在作“感觉,感到“解时,是联系动词,所以后接形容词,表示感官上的感觉如何,而不是如何感觉,不能接副词。如:I feel very comfortable in this chair. (坐在这张椅子上我感到非常舒服。) badly 修饰动词时,只说明该动作进行得如何。如:work /sing badly (干活/唱歌很差劲。)  

对于feel badly about的正确性有两种解释:一是认为这是约定俗成的惯用法,即已成积非成是的正确用法,赵振才教授在其编著的《英语常见问题解答大词典》(黑龙江人民出版社19988月第1)p167上就有这样的说法:  


The director felt badly about not giving Mary that position that she had sought with his company.  

【答】出题者的意图是:feel是个联系动词,应当用形容词来作它的表语。用副词来作表语是典型的错误。这一原则在一般下无疑是正确的。但是出题者忽略了约定俗成的惯用法。feel badly已成积非成是的正确用法。R. Quirk等人说,按照传统语法,badly是不能跟smell feel连用的。但是,实际上,smell feel后面的副词(有人把它看作是形容词)可用来表示强烈的感情。  

She felt bad/badly about it. (“guilty”“ uneasy”)(CGEL)  

I felt badly about your leaving so soon. (NAECD)  

二是认为“feel badly about”中的badly是形容词,而非副词,陆谷孙教授在其主编的《英汉大词典》(2) (上海译文出版社20073月第1)p129上就持这样的看法: II. a. 2.遗憾的;后悔的;悲痛的:She felt badly about being late. 她因迟到感到难过。/ feel badly about a loss (another’s misfortune) 因受损失(他人的不幸)感到难过  

笔者认为feel badly about是约定俗成的惯用法也好,“feel badly about”中的badly是形容词也罢,归根结底feel badly about是地地道道的正确用法,请看英美国家的原文例证:  

1. BNC(英国国家语料库http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk)BUY-BNC BRTISH NATIONAL CORPUS (UK,1980s-1993) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University ) http://corpus.byu.edu/bnc/上共有2例包含feel badly about的例证;1包含felt badly about的例证;1包含feels badly about的例证:  

My fault and I feel badly about it.  

When people fall short of their standards, and are thereby in breach of their injunctions, somewhere inside they start to feel badly about themselves, and to begin to doubt their worth and acceptability.  

"I never felt badly about it," she says.  

…, and I can understand why Clare feels badly about this tabloid television,….  

2. TIME MAGAZINE CORPUS(1923-2006) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University ) (http://corpus.byu.edu/time) 上共有6 包含feel badly about 的例证;2例包含felt badly about的例证:  

1939/01/29  I feel badly about that, but I feel much worse about the fate of those two boys…  

1954/08/24  Mr. Carr told me a few days later that he didn’t think I should feel badly about the way I was put out of the car …  

1962/09/21 …and I sort of feel badly about having to overcommit ourselves to these extraneous appearances.  

1962/09/21  I don’t feel badly about harpooning someone on this because if they do it to me I’m going…  

1928/06/11 Perhaps it was to prove that he really felt badly about it that Governor Richards last week gave the Ben Bess case a new twist…  

1984/06/25  "We’ve felt badly about ourselves for ten or 15 years."  


3.BUY CORPUS OF AMERICAN ENGLISH (1990-2009) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University) http://www.americancorpus.org/上共有34例包含feel badly about的例证;19例包含felt badly about的例证;10例包含feels badly about的例证:  

2009 She added that these difficulties made her feel badly about herself, gradually undermining her self-esteem.  

2008 These students tend to feel badly about themselves which predisposes them to being bullied.   

2007 And you certainly don’t feel badly about the fact that she’s about to begin a 45-day jail sentence for violating…  

2006 Probably they feel badly about that, snubbed.  

1990 Failure makes you feel badly about yourself,…  

2008 Which helped him come to terms with the things he felt badly about,…  

2007 I felt badly about it because I really feel strongly that people are entitled to second chances …  

1990 I felt badly about all of that happening.  

2009  If she will not because she is fearful her friends would freak, but feels badly about it she most likely is a bystander.  

1990  I think she feels badly about the way things have gone, but I don’t think she feels terribly…  

4. Lingoes(http://www.lingoes.cn) 句酷双语例句上共有以下例证:  

I feel badly about your leaving so soon.  我对你这么早就走感到遗憾。   

As for Carl, he’s not himself these days. He’s upset, his nerves are jangled. He says he’s ill, and I believe him, but I don’t feel badly about it. 至于卡尔,他那些天不大对劲,沮丧、经紧张。他说他病了,我相信他的话,不过并不为此不安。  

I feel really badly about hurting your feelings. I had no idea of the circumstance behind the gossip. 伤了你的心,我真的觉得很难过。我并不了解这闲言碎语背后的真相。  

 从以上例证可以看出:在美国英语中,早在1928年就存在feel  badly about的用法,而且现在一直仍然在使用;尽管不知道英国英语中何时出现feel  badly about的用法,确定无疑的是feel  badly about是英国英语中的正确用法。由此看来,篇首提到的所谓句其实不误,是约定俗成的惯用法。  
