不可以说set off to吗?



赵振才编著《初高中英语考点难点详解词典》(黑龙江人民出版社20036月第2次印刷) p808  

【问】The first group of Chinese editors set off to Britain in mid-January, 1981. [《高中英语教科书》第2(),人教社,p.100]  

set off to的用法是否正确?  

【答】正确的用法是set off for(set out for, leave for head for)for表示预定的目的地。  

1. Having said farewell to their friends, they set off for home.  

2. They set off for Rome.  

 以上可以看出,赵教授只认为set off for是正确的,尽管没有明说set off to是错误的,但实际上已经默认set off to是不正确的。  


笔者在很多英语工具书中均未查到set off to的说法,但工具书中没有的不一定是不正确的。抱着这个想法,笔者还真的查到了set off to的例证:  

1. BNC(英国国家语料库http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk)BUY-BNC BRTISH NATIONAL CORPUS (UK,1980s-1993) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University ) http://corpus.byu.edu/bnc/上共有 27例包含set off to的例证;共有206例包含set off for的例证,其比率为27:206,即约为1:7.6。请看其中的例证:   

At last he turned north again, his dog still running at his heels, and set off to a village just outside London.  

After lunch they set off to Kingsburgh for one of their most memorable encounters.  

After a quick breakfast we set off to the first address on the list.  

Asik knew that his grandparents would die if he did not give them enough water and there was no water left in the pots, so he set off to the river.  

At Chicago airport, I filled in a " missing baggage " form and set off to my hotel, minus socks, tights, knickers and shoes, except for the ones I was wearing.  

2. The CORPUS OF CONTEMPORAY AMERICAN ENGLISH (1990-2010) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University) http://www.americancorpus.org/ http://corpus.byu.edu/bnc/上共有 39例包含set off to的例证;共有208例包含set off for的例证,其比率为39:208,即约为1:5.3。请看其中的例证:  

2010 they did nt file a flight plan and instead of taking the easier route to the southwest with lower mountains, they set off to the north and never seemed to get their bearings.  

2009 Amazed and overjoyed, Khkh Namjil thanked the mountain spirit, carefully mounted the horse, and then set off to the east.  

2007 So when Lugovoi and others set off to the stadium, Litvinenko got a lift home.  

2007 They set off to Australia to find them.  

2002 We set off to the east through the pines until we came again to the northern banks of the river.  

1990 A few days after he lobbed the tax grenade into the hands of his supporters here, he set off to London to patch up the differences among America's allies in NATO.  

1990 His mother had given him five pounds, and he had set off to the village, to visit Mrs. Ishak, and buy the allotted amount of sweets, chocolates, and biscuits that he was permitted to take to Templehall in his tuck-box, and which were meant to last him for a full term.  

从以上可以看出:无论美国人还是英国人都使用set off to,只是使用的频率不如 set off for大,但这并不能说set off to是不正确的。  
