


Of the two coats, I’d choose the__________ one to spare some money for a book.

A. cheapest     B. cheaper   C. more expensive   D. most expensive



1. 王福祯主编《英语惯用法大词典》(北京科学技术出版社19948月第1)p477

Shakespeare, Addison, Johnson, Goldamith, Chesterfield, Ruskin, Emerson, Hawthorne, Irving, Scott, Thackeray, Lamb等作家在其文学作品中的两人(或两物)的比较用最高级的却不乏其例。例如:

Of the two disputants, the warmest is generally the wrong. 在比较偏重俗语的口语中对两者进行比较时用最高级的也不少。有时讲究用词标准的作家的作品中也能找到这种用法。例如:We’ll see which is strongest, you or I.

She was the youngest of the two daughters.

2. 陈敦金主编《英美语惯用法词典》(福建教育出版社19984月第2)p181

在非正式谈话中,Which is the cheapest/ the best/ the worst?常常听到,即使两者相比较也是这样用。有时也用来强调两者之间差别的程度:She is the best/ worst of the two.

3. 章振邦主编《新编英语语法》(修订本)上册(上海译文出版社19897月第1)p693

在口语中,也能听到用最高级形式表示两者之间的比较,例如:Look at these two watches. Which is the cheapest?

4. 刘旭宝主编《英美语惯用法实用词典》(西南交通大学出版社19935月第1)p955

Whitney[ Essentials of Eng.Gram., p81]认为这种用法很常见,指出:“严格地说,在对两者进行比较时,应当用比较级,在对三者进行比较时,应当用最高级。但在一般的会话以及文学作品中,即使对两者进行比较最高级也是极为常见的现象,但用比较级更准确也更好一些。”

Curme [Syntax,p504]也指出:“现在,这种用法在通俗的口语中仍然存在,例如 ‘the smallest of the two’,而且有时也见于文学语言。”并列举了如下用例。() They(i.e. the squirriels) seemed to vie with on another who should be most bold.Thoreau. 美国的R. C. Pooley[Teaching EnglishUsage] 列举了上述学者的见解,并的出结论:“认为对两个人(或两见事)进行比较时只能用比较级(不用最高级),这不符合现代英语实际,是不准确的。最高级不仅能用于口语,而且也见于文风严谨的作品。总之,对二者进行比较用最高级也是完全正确的。”

5. A. J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet著《牛津实用英语语法(第四版) 翻译本(外语教学与研究出版社 199812月第1) p62

有时the+比较级也可以这样用:Which (of these two) is the stronger? 比较级的这种用法被认为更有书面英语的味道,在非正式英语中我们常用最高级代替:Which (of these two) is the strongest?

6. L. G. 亚历山大著《朗曼英语语法》(雷航等译外语教学与研究出版社19911月第1)p231

在非正式场合,当我们比较两个人或物时,我们有时可以用最高级形式来代替比较级:Who’s the most reliable, Frank or Alan?

同样,the有时也可以省略,特别在which之后:Which is best? The red one or the green one?

7. R. A. Close A reference grammar for students of English (Eighth impression 1985 Printed in Hong Kong) p152

The can be used with the comparative, as in

Look at the two watches. Which is the cheaper (of the two)?

However, “Which is the cheapest?” is frequently heard in informal speech, even when only two things are being compared.



