Scientists study dolphins' 'happiness'
Bottlenose dolphins are the marine world's most charismatic mammals, which is why so many of them are kept in dolphinariums like this one near Paris.
There are an estimated five thousand bottlenose dolphins in captivity around the world - and it's only recently that scientists have begun to ask and investigate how these animals feel in this kind of an environment.
This was an experiment designed to assess anticipation and enthusiasm.
So we found a really interesting result was that all dolphins waited around most for the event where the trainer would come and play with them.
And we've seen it in other zoo animals, other farm animals that better human-animal bonds equals better welfare.
The aim is to use these findings to improve the lives of captive dolphins around the world, but for critics of this industry, a concrete pool can never be an acceptable home for these marine creatures.
This study is very much telling us how we can manage animals in the best possible way if they are captive.
I don't think the study can tell us whether these animals are happier in captivity, or nearly as happy as they would be in the wild.
The much larger question remains of whether these animals are here to educate people about life in the oceans or simply for our entertainment.