It was him who introduced the familiar essay from Europe to America.(第86页第26-27行)
1. 徐广联主编《大学英语语法讲座与测试》(华东理工大学出版社2003年2月第2版)p815:
I suppose it is me who is responsible.
2. [日] 绵贯阳等著《现代英语语法例解手册》(修订版))(申勇译 科学出版社2006年2月第1版)p171:
It is he that is responsible. (是他有责任。)
3. 薄冰编著《高级英语语法》(最新修订)(世界知识出版社 2002年10 月第8次印刷)p569:
下面两种说法中的she与 her都可以用,但后一种只用在非正式问题中。
① It was she who gave the signal. 是她给了信号。
② It was her who gave the signal.
3. 黄国文著《英语语法结构的功能分析――强势主位篇》(山西教育出版社 2003年11月第1版)p94:
It could have been her that had gotten hooked on drugs. (Collins 1977: 303)
It may have been him who attacked me on the 4 August in Chapeltown.(TV Quick, 29 Oct.